- St Ives Community Fund. Charity Number: 1174485
- Call 01736 795695
- Email enquiries@stivescommunityfund.co.uk
St Ives Library has plenty of comfy nooks, also offers yoga & Pilates classes, pre-schoolers’ gatherings, and interesting talks. Become a member.
Kevranna Social Club socialise, share, or learn new skills at St John-in-the-Fields Hall every Wednesday from 10.30am-12.30pm. Ask about and join their popular community meals. Another alternative is St Ives Community Foodshare. Kevranna have a small crisis fund of £20 (up to three times per family in a funding period) to give out. They are also able to signpost people to organisations which can help depending on their needs.
Supporters of St Ives Community Orchard meet weekly from 10am–noon and/or Sunday 11am–1pm. Anyone with or without gardening experience is welcome; come along or call 07585 777110 for information.
The Social Prescribing Officer at the The Stennack Surgery will refer you according to your needs. Or phone reception 01736 79 33 33 Mon-Fri 8am-8pm / The new person is Deborah Orchard (Debbie) and her email address is Deborah.orchard3@nhs.net.www.thestennacksurgery.co.uk
If you are worried about money, then this webpage provides some answers if you have questions about benefits and support, housing, transport, parking, job, career, school, education, health, social care. Cornwall Council can also help with issues related to taxes, community, birth, marriage, funeral, democracy, fire and rescue, recycling, rubbish, culture, leisure, food safety, planning and building control, libraries, museums and archives.
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